People, places, cultures and seasons are all funny things...but there is nothing else like "The Summer Season" in the Hamptons. The Summer Season officially kicks off today with all kinds of demographics (but mainly guidos) heading out to the east end of Long Island. Whether you get their by car, train, helicopter, private plane or ride the Jitney, you're bound to run into the same kind of wanna-be dudes frontin' like they belong and that they're God's gift to women and the world.
Having lived in Southampton, I feel like I have the credentials to judge and make fun of the huge influx of people that make the east end their summer party mecca. But words cannot tell you the type of atrocities that I have seen on the island. And since a picture is worth a thousand words, I'll let them do the talking. Enjoy, and welcome Summer!
Wow! Wasn't that awesome? 40 seconds of that guy dancing...
And in the next video, it always amazes me that even women put on beer goggles. Have some respect for yourself!
Is it just me, or does that guy need to wax ASAP?
And in this final video, I love that the chick stops dancing as soon as the guido tries to get up on her. You go girl!
Boy I miss the Hamptons...
Douche... Let me count the ways... Let's see, your intro picture, dancing guy doing the whirly twirly and douche numer 3, the dude rubbing dancing skanks lower back. Yeah, man. The Hamptons! or should we call it douchelandia.