Monday, July 27, 2009

My time with CFC II

(Picture of goal keeper Training Hilario, Cech, Turnbull)
I've seen and been a part of some intense training, but nothing could prepare for what I saw with Chelsea. The amount of focus and level of professionalism by both the staff and players is a model that I hope all pro teams take. Of course you have the guys joking around before training started, but it was like a switch went on when the first whistle blew for drills. These boys, took every amount of training as if it was a game type situation. The 8 v 8 scrimmage was as if they were playing against United or Liverpool. The amount of hitting and bodies being thrown in front of every shot, was like I was watching a Champions League final. Even when involving us in the drills (one which got me a little nervous), as soon as a ball was lost out of bounds I would hear John Terry yell over to me: "yeah, yeah!" as his palms were facing out in the direction he wanted the ball played. So, I quickly played him a ball and right back into the scrimmage they went, without skipping a beat. I have to admit, inside I as buzzing as I thought to myself... "Hey, I just played JT a long ball!" As the final whistle blew for the guys to hit the showers, most of the guys stuck around for some last minute workouts. Ricardo Carvahlo invovled me and another friend in some juggling and 2 touch passing. It was kinda funny, cause he never said a single word to us except good and thank you. As soon as as Carvahlo was done. Franco Di Santo wanted to knock the ball with me for a bit, so naturally being the nice guy that I am I obliged. It was all pretty amazing that these high profile players treated us with great respect. From, the many thank you's we got by just giving them water and sports drinks, to the hilarious jokes the coaching staff and trainers would say to us, the first half of Chelsea practice was terrific. The 2nd half of that day would be a different story. It turns out the mornings was just a light workout. The serious business was to come later that evening.

1 comment:

  1. You are so lucky. I'm totally jealous!
