Morning practice at the massive Virginia Mason Atheltic Center (Seattle Seahawks training facility)I was standing on the training pitch, nervously waiting for the team to come out for practice. It was really quite the only thing I could hear was the 12th man flag flapping in the wind, billions of things ran through my head, which player would I see first, would I even care since I'm not even a Chelsea supporter, how will they act with me being around to help. 8:30am the Chelsea FC coaching staff began to slowly step out onto the field, many of them if not all said hello and good morning to me, this was something I was definitely shocked by. I never thought they would even pay attention to me unless they needed something. As soon as I made that thought one of them quickly summoned me over to help him move the goals for the goal keepers training session. I could tell this guy meant business as the scowl was easily noticeable from a distance, I know the scowl wasn't meant for mem, but meant for the goal keepers as he had his game face on and ready to destroy Petr Cech, Ross Turnbull and Hilario. As soon as I helped him set up, a grounds keeper had asked us to move to a different spot as he needed to finish mowing the section we were on. In side I sank, as I was ready for Christophe Lollichon to erupt... Well, he didn't erupt, but the Frenchman did give a look and gesture of distaste. He immediately turned and looked at me and all I said was "right away sir!" after I moved everything, the only time I ever saw this man smile was when he said Thank you, and just as fast as he smiled he quickly went to his scowl, then in his accent he said "sorry, this man is eh.. stupid!" I just laughed and told him no problem. 9am rolled around and as I was headed back to the door to pick up some water, out came Ancellotti and Drogba. It took everything inside of me to not just sit there and stare. As they walked and spoke together, other players followed. Alex, Carvahlo, Bosingwa, Hilario and Cech. Cech is easily the biggest goal keeper I have ever seen, I know I had to keep my mouth closed as I was caught in between all these players. Finally the rest of the players made their way out, when John Terry walked towards me and the other fellas, shook our hands and said good morning. I was expecting him to just walk away after him saying hello, but he stayed for at least 5min talking with us about the game they had against the Sounders, MLS and how this league could be better if they just spent the money. This was a great topic for me to dominate the conversation, so I just went with it. Pretty soon it was as if it was just me and JT talking, by the end of it he had to get going to warm up, but his last parting words were: "I love Washington, it's fantastic here," "and Who know's, maybe one day I'll end up playing here." And off he went.
-More to come soon.
Nice cliffhanger Danny Boy. I can't wait to read about the rest of your time with Chelsea.