Many of you have seen the website, We Win Trophies where DC United is trying to sell tickets to the US Open Cup Final against the Sounders. I think it's a cool concept and I like the viral marketing that some MLS clubs have decided to try. What I find funny though, is the parody of the We Win Trophies site that a disgruntled Red Bulls fan has put up. Having lived in New York during the Metrostars era, I can feel their pain. I remember sitting through my first US Open Cup final in the empty cauldron called Giants Stadium with only 5,183 fans. It was cold, raining and the plastic pitch there was terrible. I drove through rush hour traffic in Manhattan to support my local side, and I saw them fail miserably. The only redeeming element was seeing former Metro and one of my favorite Reggae Boyz, Andy Williams hoist the cup. The dude has gone through a lot recently so look out for a future post from me on how you can help.