Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My New Boots?

You guys know what I'm currently rocking for my games from a post a few months ago. Well, yesterday Beans from The Original Winger stopped by the Nike Offices in LA and took a pic of my next boot (hopefully). They're set to drop in November, so I'm thinking they'll make a good Christmas present, plus the Don't Tread On Me design is fitting for today's U.S. game.


  1. So if you get these new boots can I have your old ones?

  2. @ Some Guy,
    My first question would be, "Do you wear size 8?" If you do , then maybe we'll talk.

  3. Crap, it looks like I'll have to buy my own shoes.

  4. From what I can tell, it looks like Landon Donovan is wearing this boot against Costa Rica but with the colors inverted.
